Because it is always worth believing - MUFON interview

What is unknown to humanity is still very possible to exist. Just think about the dawn of the development of science, when the progressives, the innovators, the explorers were persecuted because of their claims, statements, and experiments. They researched according to their deep convictions, even when they were ridiculed or ostracized, to the point where the powers in many cases condemned them to death. But in retrospect we know that they ushered people into a golden age. These people have always been needed in order for science to advance every day. Because the really great things are still thanks to people who search for the unknown with deep conviction, strong faith and great perseverance. The desire to learn about the unknown and to help humanity guides MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) in its decades-long journey. Welcome Robert Spearing, the Director of International Investigations for MUFON.

Lili Lajtár (LL): Could you tell us about the reasons for the creation of MUFON and its main objectives?
Robert Spearing (RS): MUFON was created after the U.S. Air Force stopped investigating UFOs in 1969 when they ended Project Blue Book. They felt UFOs were not a threat. Our mission is the study of UFOs for the benefit of mankind.
LL: According to the MUFON database, which forms of appearance are the characteristic of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)? Which were the strangest?
RS: In order of most observed to least - Orbs, Discs, Triangles, Cylinders. Strangest shapes are Jellyfish with tentacles.
LL: How do you perceive people's attitude towards the unknown?
RS: Today people take UFOs much more seriously than 75 years ago. Even the governments of the world are taking it seriously now.
LL: What and how should we do if we witness something inexplicable?
RS: Go to MUFON.COM, click on the "Report a UFO or Abduction" buttons and submit your report with any photos, videos or drawings you may have.
LL: In many places (e.g. in films, series, books, etc.) one is confronted with the fact that the various anomalies, in general, want the loss of humanity. Is everything that is still unknown to humanity, be it an unidentified flying object (UFO), an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) or an unknown being (entity), approaching us, humans, with bad intentions? If not, why are they broadcasting this?According to your experience so far, what is the purpose of a UFO or an entity?
RS: After centuries of investigation, we do not know their intent. Some people have positive experiences and some others very bad experiences.
LL: What are the most characteristic symptoms of UFO abductions? What evidence supports that these people really fell victim to an unknown force?
RS: In 99% of abduction cases there is no physical evidence. Some cases may be real, some may be repressed memories surfacing in symbolic form. Common motifs in abductions are sleep paralysis, bedroom intrusion, levitation to a craft, experimentation on a metal surgical table. Humanoids and little Grey aliens seem evenly mentioned.
LL: Do you think we can/will be able to communicate with aliens?
RS: There is overwhelming circumstantial evidence, communication is ongoing either telepathically, verbally and through symbols with witnesses.
LL: How can people be motivated to tell their stories about UFOs, and not keep it to themselves fearing of being judged by others?
RS: The stigma of being an experiencer is much less today than 50 years ago. People are more accepting, the government is involved and now people come forth on a regular basis.
LL: As a student of biology, I also find the topic of ufology very interesting, since I am not far from any scientific field. The good news is that the sciences are increasingly beginning to place open thinking before the given topic, and this attitude will sooner or later result in interest in the world's unanswered questions, including ufology. Here, it is irrelevant who believes in what, I consider seeing or other senses more important, so my goal is to approach the topic from a scientific point of view, as MUFON does. Can you tell us a little about your team? In which scientific fields are scientists working to investigate the sightings?
RS: MUFON Field Investigators mostly have a forensic background. Our 700 field investigators include biologists, geologists, astrophysicists, law enforcement, lab technicians, commercial airline pilots, and photo analysts.
LL: How does the living world react to the unknown (UFO, UAP, entity, etc.)? What changes usually occur in the given landscape and its species richness?
RS: The variations in entity appearance and craft type and nuances is almost infinite. Do they come from many places and/or times or do they simply like different models like we enjoy different brands of cars?
LL: My previous question raises another one along these lines. Why are crop circles so special? Are there any regularities in their appearance?
RS: MUFON does not study crop circles specifically. The symbols grow more complex. There is most likely human hoaxing involved. However, video exists of Orb type UFOs appearing over the creation of crop circles.
LL: Which scientific instruments are worth acquiring in order to verify our claims that seem incredible at first?
RS: A geiger counter, an electromagnetic field meter, a microwave field meter, a blacklight to look for alien residue on experiencer's bodies, a metal detector to check for metallic implants in a person's body and a good high resolution camera is a good start.
LL: How do you see, in which areas in the world many unknown phenomena (UFOs, UAPs, entities, etc.) are detected? What can attract them there?
RS: That is not necessarily accurate. Modern countries with high population density compared to a sparsely populated rural location in a poor country may each get the same amount of sightings but fewer people see the UFO or do not have computers to report it or do not report because of religious or governmental persecution.
LL: We can find out about cases of mysterious animal mutilations and these events are also associated with UFOs. What is the characteristic of these cases and why are they so unusual? Who could be responsible? Where do these cases most often occur and how are they investigated? Which animals are affected by the phenomenon?
RS: Most cases seem to be on large desolate ranches. Animals have organs removed surgically and sometimes with laser beam precision. Many times the carcass is facing in an east to west position. Who is doing it is not known. It could be UFOs, it could be our own government experimenting or it could be religious cult sacrifice.
LL: How is a case usually investigated?
RS: Witness submits an electronic report. Our Investigator does a phone or in person interview, We analyze photos or videos with special software or go out to a location and take samples which we send to our lab. We then make an informed estimate of the situation as to if it is Unknown, Identified or Hoax.
LL: How do you filter out those who just make up an untrue story? How can you be sure of the authenticity of a particular case?
RS: We teach interviewing techniques that police use to determine if a witness is lying or hoaxing when we talk to them or read their report.
LL: What books would you recommend most on the topic of UFOs? How can we decide how authentic a book is? Is there anything else you would like to highlight?
RS: There are great UFO books and terrible ones. I would start with Passport to Magonia by Jaques Vallee, Wonders in the Sky by Chris Aubeck and The Humanoids edited by Charles Bowen.
Thank you for the interesting answers, Robert Spearing. I hope we will be increasingly able to understand our world better.
Written by Lili Lajtar, student of biology